Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Mutual Referrals

Who We Are

Welcome to Mutual Referrals! You can contact us at for any questions or concerns related to privacy.

Use of Collected Personal Data

On Mutual Referrals, we only collect users’ email addresses during registration. This information is necessary to manage accounts and ensure communication with our users.

Affiliate links shared on the site are verified at the original source, and no personal information is stored on our site. Links rejected by users are considered incorrect and are rejected after a defined number of attempts.


Our site does not collect any personal data through comments, following WordPress default settings.


Files uploaded to the media library are generally publicly accessible but do not contain direct personal information.

Contact Forms

Our site does not include a contact form by default. If used, collected personal data is only used to respond to customer service inquiries and is not used for commercial purposes.


Cookies used on our site are primarily related to visit statistics. Refer to the “Statistics and Audience Measurement” section for more information.

Statistics and Audience Measurement

We use statistics tools to measure site audience. No personal data is collected by default by WordPress, but your host or third-party extensions may collect anonymous data.

Use and Transmission of Your Personal Data

We do not share any personal information with third parties. Your privacy is our priority.

Data Storage Durations

Personal data collected during registration is stored as long as your account is active. Links rejected by users are automatically deleted after a defined number of attempts.

Your Rights Regarding Your Data

You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data at any time. Contact us at to exercise your rights.

Where Your Data Is Sent

We do not transfer your data outside of the European Union. Your information is securely stored in compliance with European standards.

Contact Information

For any privacy-related questions, you can contact us at

Additional Information

Mutual Referrals is dedicated to solving challenges related to affiliate searching. As an experienced freelancer, I created this site to offer a simple and transparent solution to maximize online earnings. We encourage you to use our platform sensibly and to be mindful of the sites you visit.

How We Protect Your Data

We have implemented security measures, such as encryption, to protect your personal data.

Procedures in Case of Data Breach

In case of a data breach, we have internal procedures to promptly inform affected users and take corrective actions.

Third-Party Services

No third-party services transmit personal data to us.

Automated Marketing and/or Profiling Operations

We do not use automated marketing or profiling operations on Mutual Referrals.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and providing a transparent and secure experience on our site. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at